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Our specialists

ThS.BS – Linh Thế Cường


Otolaryngology (ENT),

Hong Ngoc Hospital - Yen Ninh,

PGS.BSCK II – Phạm Đức Huấn

Associate Professor, Level II specialist,

General Surgery Department,

BS – Vũ Trung Hiếu

General Practitioner,

Otolaryngology (ENT),

BS – Nguyễn Hồng Hạnh

General Practitioner,

Hong Ngoc IVF Center,

Hong Ngoc Hospital - Yen Ninh,

BS – Nguyễn Hoàng Sơn

General Practitioner,

Intensive Care Unit,

BS – Đoàn Minh Tuấn

General Practitioner,

General Surgery Department,

Hong Ngoc Hospital - Yen Ninh,

BS. Đào Thị Thảo

Level I specialist,

Department of Obstetrics and gynaecology,

Hong Ngoc Hospital - Yen Ninh,

BSCK I – Phạm Thị Minh Hằng

Level I specialist,

Pediatrics Department,

Hong Ngoc Hospital - Yen Ninh,

BSCK I – Phạm Kim Vượng

Level I specialist,

Dermatology Department,

Hong Ngoc Hospital - Yen Ninh,

BSCK II – Nguyễn Thị Bích Hiền

Level II specialist, Meritorious Doctor,

Department of Obstetrics and gynaecology,

Hong Ngoc Hospital - Yen Ninh,